Akai Advance 61 Keyboard Piano Swan Flight Case

Akai Advance 61 Keyboard Piano Swan Flight Case. A flight case designed and manufactured to provide total protection for a Akai Advance 61 keyboard. Made in the UK by swanflight. 2x Strong butterfly catches on the front with loops for padlocks hold the lid closed (padlocks not supplied). 1x Techno handle on the front. Lidstay hinges on the rear hold the lid at just over 90 degrees. Foam lined throughout with handholes at the ends to help with removal for use. Internal size 917mm(L) x 295mm(W) x 89mm(H). External size 997mm(L) x 375mm(W) x 165mm(H). Weight Hex-Stucco-PVC versions approx 9kg. Weight Flite Panel approx 6.5kg. Available with an additional 120mm ...